Our association

NOTour association aims to implement in the territory of the Alpes de Haute Provence,
the means likely to promote the living conditions of people with mental disorders and / or intellectual disabilities

About the president

Georges JEGO, founded in 2005, the Espoir04 Haute Provence association with the aim of making up for the absence on the territory, of specific accommodation likely to avoid or reduce the time of hospitalization in psychiatry, prevent relapses, allow families a little respite, promote autonomy and anticipate the aging of caregivers.
President since the creation, he leads with the board of directors the associative life, the management of the establishments and services, animates the group of words and defends the rights of the people. Thanks to its network, it directs people looking for help to the competent institutions.
Member of the CDAPH, vice president of the CDCA, active in other humanitarian associations, he works with institutions in the interest of people with disabilities.

Our actions in favor of disabled, sick or isolated people and their families

Reception and accommodation

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Family support group

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Help for caregivers

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Defense of rightsIn addition to this, you need to know more about it.

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Like Karim GUERFI,

European champion of English boxing of 53.524 kg,

who by his gentleness and his love for his fellows,

supports the action of Hope 04

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